HACCP certificate

HACCP certificate
With a HACCP certificate you can demonstrate that you work according to the guidelines of the hygiene code as set out by Horeca Nederland. The HACCP certificate is valid for an unlimited time in the Netherlands. We recommend, however, that the certificate is renewed after 3 years.

To acquire your HACCP certificate you will be tested on your knowledge regarding safety and hygiene in the workplace. This is done via an online HACCP exam. Before this, you first follow an HACCP course via internet. Within just a few hours you learn everything you need to know about working hygienically. This way you are certain that you have all the knowledge you need to acquire the HACCP certificate.

HACCP Hygiënecode

€ 69,-

Online cursus met eindexamen

HACCP Hygiene code

€ 69,-

Online cursus met eindexamen

Sociale Hygiëne
(e-learning only)

€ 69,-

Online cursus zonder examen